
Monday, March 25, 2013

The Beautiful Garden

© Ron Hilton  Dreamstime Stock Photos
The Beautiful Garden
copyright 2013, Josephine Kennedy
Now, it is spring and Sam's garden is very beautiful. There are four corners in the garden and there is an opening to the road. In one corner of the garden, there is a section of beautiful purple flowers. In another corner there are always lots of animals, and in another corner, there are big trees where squirrels gather nuts. Sam loves to sit there and watch the birds. On the other side of the garden, there is lots of green grass.
Each day, Sam brings flower seeds to plant in his garden. One day, he ran out of purple flower seeds, so he and his dad went to buy a packet of flower seeds. He bought seeds for pink flowers, and seeds for white flowers. The next day, he brought some of the new seeds with him. He made holes in the ground, and put the seeds into the holes. Then he went home to get his watering can. When it was filled, he came back to water the plants. Sam never forgot to come and water his plants. Every day, he would wake up early to go and water his plants.
One day, he came to the garden and there were sprouts!!
While he waited for his plants to grow, he picked the weeds. Sometimes, if it was sunny, he would go to his garden and read, listen to music, or bring crayons and coloring books to color. One day when he came back, his sprouts had turned into buds! Sam was very excited!
While he waited for the plants to grow into flowers, he helped his dad with his garden. Sam always found time to water his flowers. He had waited for a long time, but finally his little plants were big beautiful flowers.
Now, he was ready to show his family his flower garden. Everyone liked it! Once again, everyone was happy and had a great spring!

Friday, March 15, 2013

A Family Christmas

© Liz Van Steenburgh  Dreamstime Stock Photos
A Family Christmas
Copyright Josephine Kennedy 2013
There once lived a big family. They always enjoyed Christmas, because it was their favorite time of the year. They liked Christmas because they got to spend time together. They got to do their favorite part; put up their tree and decorate it.
First, they get the three parts of the tree out of the closet. Next, they would get out the part with the stump at the bottom and place it facing up on the ground. Then, they take out the middle part and place it on top of the first part. After that, they put the last part on the top. Finally, they would have a tall, green Christmas tree standing in one corner of the room.
Next, they would be ready to decorate their tree. They put a red garland and a white garland on the tree first. Then they put up ornaments, and that completed the tree.
After the parents went to bed, Santa came! He stepped out of his sleigh with a bag of presents. Then went down the chimney. He found the presents for the children in his bag and put them under the tree, and then he left.
The next morning, the children woke up and found the presents that Santa had left for them. Everyone was very happy, and they had a very merry Christmas.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The New Field

© Jinyoung Lee  Dreamstime Stock Photos

The New Field
Copyright, Josephine Kennedy 2013

Once, there was a dark field. It was super quiet, and no animals lived there. There was very little grass, and no flowers because they couldn't grow without the sun. The field had trash all over the grass and a smell of rotten garbage.

One day a boy came along. His name was Sam, and he was six years old. He has black hair and was very short and skinny. He was nice and kind. Sam felt sorry for the field and he wanted to help.

First, he cleaned up all the trash, and then he went home to get some flower seeds to plant. He came back with the seeds the next day, and planted them in the ground. A few days later, he came back and the seeds had sprouted. While he waited for his plants to grow, he sang to them. He read to them; he also played music for them. Soon, his plants had grown to become beautiful flowers.

Now the field was very beautiful. It had grass and flowers; the sun shone and animals lived there. Then Sam went to get his mother and father, to show them how beautiful his flowers looked. They said, "This looks very beautiful." And Sam was very happy.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013